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Welcome Message


ICAReAlumni was intentionally designed to allow higher education institutions – even the ones from countries in which alumni engagement and culture are still developing – to make the most out of alumni relations.

The inspiring learning environment of the 1st ICAReAlumni will mark the 2017 edition again. In addition to being able to attend all sessions, there will be 30 minutes for questions and answers following each session.

In this way, we ensure that all attendees have the opportunity to participate in an insightful discussion that allows them to deepen their learning and take back to their institutions the best practices in this area.


ICAReAlumni and the city of Porto are waiting for you!


Diana Aguiar Vieira

Conference Chair

ISCAP – Polytechnic of Porto





To enhance the knowledge on alumni relations within countries that are building an alumni culture by making available an inclusive and affordable context specially dedicated to meaningful learning about alumni relations.


Target Group


This conference is aimed at higher education professionals – from senior management to operational levels - that are working towards creating and/or developing a sustainable and engaging alumni program within their institutions.


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